To dilly-dally is divine.
I haven't had a cigarette in 9 days. It's strangely less difficult than I thought - I feel a little yucky about the smell and taste now. Only problem is when I crave for one, I gnaw on chocolate. A lot. Quick one: The world's smallest political quiz to accurately test your political inclinations in less than a minute. I'm a conservative libertarian ie. fence-straddler and indecisive as heck. And did you hear about the Scottish engineer who shot water from a fire extinguisher hose up his friend's ass after a few drinks? Described as "horseplay gone wrong", the prank has left the friend a little worse for wear - he now has to wear a colostomy bag. No shit.
I is a Liberal, too. I honestly don't understand how people can say "I'm a Conservative" with a straight face. Same goes with "I'm a Liberal". Aren't those bad words you lob at other people when you disagree with their political views? It's like trying to map your position on a shifting sandscape.