To dilly-dally is divine.
Why is a spork a spork and not a foon?Warning: The following comments might offend Christians and vegans. Especially Christian vegans. Many of my friends are Christians and/or vegans. I just thought these were, er, cool. On to more gripping stuff. How well do you 'know' your partner, in the Biblical sense? Take the Bible Quiz on Sexual Love to find out. Bet you didn't know "the Song of Solomon teaches that lovemaking helps both men and women sleep better". Or that "the Bible portrays the older wife as an exciting lover who offers her husband something a different woman every night cannot". Its answers will shock you. Shock you, I tell you! Then there's PETA, the rabidly scary paint-abusing vegetarians. So they've got their Lettuce Ladies wearing nothing but lettuce leaves to entice people to sign up. But did you know they also have their dead-sexy male version? Yup, look no further than the Broccoli Boys. Ogle! At Bruce's muscles! Gasp! At Ricardo's soy wieners! Marvel! At fair Casey's shirt-sleeve tanline! Oooooo, these vegan boys sure know how to have fun.
Hmm, I find this Bible Sexual Quiz dodgy. "Masturbation numbs the sensations"? Cannot be, leh...
"While masturbation seems to give pleasure, it actually numbs the sensations so that sexual penetration with a mate is less satisfying. All masturbation is not sinful, but God does regulate it to help His people enjoy exciting orgasms with their chosen mates. Do you know the important regulations and the harm not obeying them causes?"
Yes, I'm really not sure what the important regulations are and how these are, er, regulated by the Big Guy. Do our bodies have masturbation timers or auto-settings?
Maybe he regulates it by making you go blind! Ah hah! Or hairy! That must be it!