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Forget tarot...

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Here's a Random Music Meme/Thingy stolen from the Internet. Just click on the Shuffle button in your iPod (of course I'm ignoring all other MP3 player users) and use it to randomly answer the following questions. Hysterical, yet, strangely insightful.

1. What do you think of me, Random Music Player?
When The Stars Go Blue - Ryan Adams. Awww, my iPod's so tweet.

2. Will I have a happy life?
Portia - Throwing Muses. It's a happy, shimmy-ing type of song. Something about parties and zoos. "I am unshaken", goes the chorus. Groovy.

3. What do my friends really think of me?
My Friends - Red Hot Chili Peppers. We're all miserable old sods is what I gathered.

4. What does my S.O. think of me?
Jimmy Jazz - The Clash. Considering I don't have an S.O., I'm taking this to mean that The One for me will be a punk-saxophonist named, er, Jimmy.

5. Do people secretly lust after me?
Sometimes - My Bloody Valentine. Whaddya mean, sometimes???

6. How can I make myself happy?
Embraceable You - Ella Fitzgerald. What, you mean, like, self-love? Cough.

7. What should I do with my life?
Watershed - Foo Fighters, who tell me to stick it to the mailman. And something about swimming and pissing. In a watershed. OK then.

8. Why must life be so full of pain?
Rifles - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. Aptly moody song for a depressing sort of question. Bastard war-mongerers.

9. How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
Pocket Knife - PJ Harvey. Oooo, kinky advice there from the queen of kink herself. But I think I'll pass, thanks.

10. Can you give me some advice?
Through The Never - Metallica. "All that is, ever, ever was, will be ever, twisting, turning, through the never." Hahaha.

11. What do you think happiness is?
Here Comes A Soul Saver - The Charlatans. Nice. Music as soul balm is good enough for me.

12. Do you have any advice to give over the next few hours/days?
Fool - Rae & Christian. Excellent word of wisdom.

13. Will I die happy?
All I Want Is You - U2. Erk.

And the winner for best answer is..... METALLICA! For their very philosophical heavy-metal guide to life, the universe and everything.

1 Responses to “Forget tarot...”

  1. Blogger dee 

    i know! so sad... i don't have msn. eh, but you can also play oracle with a walkman wat (keke): insert mix tape, press play and fast-forward :D

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