To dilly-dally is divine.

Wolf Creek

If you can, go watch the movie, Wolf Creek, also known as Aussie Outback Roadtrip Goes Terribly Awry, also known as Never Trust Former Kangaroo Hunters In Hats. Did not pass out from sheer terror possibly because I was too busy shrieking and wolfing (hurhur) down peanut M&Ms.

Pretty gory too. Let's just say that the killer's trademark knife-and-spine trick called 'head-on-a-stick' is a figurative expression, not a literal one.

Boho chic is so over

0 cats juggling!

Valley of the Dolls

A couple of days after the exams and this is where I end up: A dirty basement with a neon Virgin Mary on the walls and sex dolls everywhere you looked.

Welcome to Electro Pussy at Club 77.

Non-believers can head home now.

The rest of you can take pictures with the resident sluts.

2 cats juggling!

'I was trying to escape'

The Leader of the Free World tries to open a door but fails, says he was only trying to escape a press conference. Watch the video here. Slightly hysterical.

The knob's over here!

In keeping with the Bushy theme, this picture below was snapped on Sunday outside the Broadway Shopping Centre. It's a pretty cool piece of work.

Shooting blanks

0 cats juggling!

Pillow fight! I want!

Boing Boing had this great link: It was a Flash Mob Pillow Fight held at some ancient Roman ruins in Milan. Man, I completely love the idea of whacking strangers with pillows at a national landmark. Next time back home maybe at Raffles Place? Parliament? Taka?

I'd love to see the feathers fly. Hur hur.

2 cats juggling!

Done. Finito. Wan le.

That's it, the last 1 1/2 years of pleasure and pain is OVER. I just finished my last exam 10 minutes ago and will soon walk my last footsteps down some of the smelliest corridors in the university. Coming home (yippee??) and settling down into *yarrkkks* reality early next month.

So then... now how ah?

1 cat juggling!

This man could be my mother

My mother's really cool and fantastic and all, and my brother and me (I) love her to bits but one of my pet maternal gripes is that she likes to email us motivational advice gleaned from spam email, newspaper career sections or self-help books. It is her gentle way of addressing her children's flaws.

Today's email, which she described as "something of general interest", was on how to be socially adroit. Here is an extract:

As the business environment becomes ever more competitive and, hence, more stress inducing, there is a dire need for every working professional to be socially adroit. This is true not only for leaders and supervisors who lead a team of employees, but for everyone who must deal with people in the course of their work.

To be people-smart requires a sound understanding of various aspects of human nature, such as the way people reason, the difference between personality and character, how people judge one another, and more.

The first rule of social relations is: In your dealings with people, first manage your perceptions, because your preconceived beliefs and expectations will determine what you see in others etc etc

3 cats juggling!

Serious post now.

Solid Gold vs Crazy Horse

By popular demand (OK, OK, I just wanted to reminisce) and after all that talk, here are the Solid Gold dancers circa early-1980s. Check out the gold (but of course) headband and the absolute shing of the outfits. I used to sneak out of bed as a kid just to watch them shake their groove thang at 10.30pm on SBC5 weekday nights. Lovely!

0 cats juggling!


There was a pretty darn annoying paragraph in Monday's ST report about the Crazy Horse auditions in Singapore. (Very important stuff since it was one of only TWO free local stories available online to cheapskate readers like myself.)

Besides high cheekbones, good breasts and 'good, long legs', he said, 'they must have a nice character. We want nice girls in show business. No divas.' But he added: 'But we want her to look like a diva.'
It's good to know we’re all still living in the Paleolithic era, when prized commodities like cattle, chickens and nice divas with good tits are still being auctioned, sorry, auditioned off.

The Crazy Horse thing is news to me... wah, not bad ah. First Speaker's Corner, then Sentosa’s Casino, now Singapore's Crazy Horse 'cabaret'. So then I Googled Crazy Horse in the image section and this was the second picture (right after a picture of a naked woman making out with a skeleton):

Meet the original Crazy Horse (above), a Native American who bravely defended invading American soldiers in the mid-1800s. In South Dakota today, there's a bunch of people who've been trying to sculpt Crazy Horse and, er, his horse as a tribute into a MOUNTAIN since 1948. Yep, nearly 60 years on, and they've still only managed to complete his face (below), which alone is nine stories high.

It's hoped the finished masterpiece will look like the picture below. Worked out proportionately, I reckon it should take another 400 or so years to complete.

Between now and then, though, there's the 'cabaret' with the same name at Clarke Quay, and in Paris and Las Vegas. You know, the ones with the nice girls with good breasts.

4 cats juggling!

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